Friday 24 April 2015

Unique Features of Internet and Web

Computer Categories

Today we want share about categories of computer. Do you know, how much categories of computers? Ok, let's see the picture below:-

There have 7 categories of computer,
which is including notebook that we always use in our daily life. 

This is 4 basic categories of computer that we always see and use both of them. 
But maybe only one of them is not familiar surrounding us, which is Personal Digital Assistance, that also known as PDA.

Let me explain a little bit about PDA - "PDA is a small handheld computer for personal tasks like appointment scheduling and address book maintenance.  In another hand, PDA also easily to bring every where we go".

So...This is the another 3 categories of computer - minicomputer, mainframe computer and supercomputer.
Below is the explanation of each 3 categories of computers:-

1. Minicomputer - This type of computer is meets needs of several people simultaneously in a small of medium sized of business.

2. Mainframe computer - This type of computer also meets needs of hundred people in a large business.

3.  Supercomputer - This type of computer is fastest, most powerful and most expensive than others. 

Monday 20 April 2015

How many different kinds of Information System are there?

Three level pyramid model based on the type of decisions taken at different levels in the organization

Similarly, by changing our criteria to the different types of date / information / knowledge that are processed at different levels in the organization, we can create a five level model.

Five level pyramid model based on the processing requirement of different levels in the organization.

Friday 17 April 2015

How is a Management Information System useful in companies?

Management information systems give decision-makers the data they need to fulfill their responsibilities. Such systems provide background, current data and trend analysis so the manager has data available on all aspects of the business. Managers using management information systems can improve business performance since they have detailed information on their business environment and their decisions reflect the company position in the marketplace.

Thursday 16 April 2015